Feedback for Actors



Central Standard Time



Central Commons
4711 Westside Dr
Dallas, Texas

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FEEDBACK [feed-bak] 

noun : a reaction or response to a particular process or activity.

Anyone who has explored the creative process understands the value of feedback. Exposing our “works in progress” to the critique of our peers certainly takes courage, but feedback can also take our creative endeavors from average to excellent. Art House Dallas wants to provide an encouraging environment within a small group setting to explore your strengths and potential areas of growth as an artist.

In Actors Feedback, participating actors will present a monologue or scene (no more than 5 pages) in front of a panel consisting of a seasoned actor, theater professional (director/producer), and film professional (director/producer). The panel will provide feedback, and the actor will have the option to perform their piece again incorporating any feedback that resonated.

There are also audit slots for this event available to actors and film and theater professionals.

: Thursday, November 14
Time: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm CST
Location: Central Commons | 4711 Westside Dr, Dallas, TX

REQUIRED: Registering for this event assumes your commitment to prepare work to present to the group. This could be a monologue or an excerpt from a script (no more than 5 minutes in length) to be performed in front of the group. If you bring an excerpt, someone else from the group can read with you.



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