FEEDBACK [feed-bak] – noun: a reaction or response to a particular process or activity.
Anyone who has explored the creative process understands the value of feedback. Exposing our “works in progress” to the critique of our peers certainly takes courage, but feedback can also take our creative endeavors from average to excellent. Art House Dallas wants to provide an encouraging environment within a small group setting to explore your strengths and potential areas of growth as an artist. Groups will be limited to 5 songwriters and Art House will provide facilitators who have exhibited a track record of success in their art form.
Our featured artist is Grady Spencer of Grady Spencer and the Work.
Date: Saturday, December 7
Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM NOON CST
9:00AM - Breakfast, 9:30 - Guest Speaker, 10:30 - Feedback groups
Location: TBA
Registration: Registration Required|$25 and includes breakfast, teaching, and review with peer songwriters
This songwriters’ event is for musicians that are willing to share their work in a live setting. All attendees are expected to share their music with their small group.
If you are an artist that needs to play a track in order to perform( i.e. rap or pop music), we will have a bluetooth speaker available for you. For more information, please read below.
A fee has been added to this event in order to encourage attendance. If you can not manage this fee, please fill out this form to apply for a scholarship.