Mar 1


All Day Recurring Event

Southfork Trade Days! Outdoor market

Southfork Ranch, made famous by the show, DALLAS, in the 80's is hosting a monthly outdoor Trade Days market . You find all kinds of one-of-a-kind items, such...
Mar 5


7:30pm to 9:30pm

Sammons Jazz: Remembrance 2025

Garry Williams & Friends features vocalist Garry Williams who is the principal of the esteemed, historical Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing &...
Mar 6


12:00pm to 1:30pm

Texas Woman's University Dallas Leadership Award

Texas Woman’s University will present the 2025 Virginia Chandler Dykes Leadership Award to Nicole Small at the Dallas Leadership Luncheon, set for Thurs., Mar....

3:00pm to 5:00pm

Dallas Winter Boat Show is Back

The Dallas Winter Boat Show is coming back bigger than ever from March 6-9, 2024 at Dallas Market Hall where guests can explore the excitement of life on the...
Mar 20


7:30pm to 9:30pm

Sammons Cabaret: Sheran Goodspeed Keyton

Lean in and lend your ear, as Sammons Cabaret prepares for an evening of spellbinding and rewinding with the captivating Sheran Goodspeed Keyton and her...
Apr 2


7:30pm to 9:30pm

Sammons Jazz: Lonestar Grooves

The Fisher Trio is a jazz trio led by bassist Jonathan Fisher featuring the double bass at the head of the bandstand. A master of many styles and a fixture of...
Apr 11


6:00pm to 9:00pm

Children's Cancer Fund 35th Annual Gala

The Children’s Cancer Fund Gala celebrates 35 years of stories of survival. The Gala will take place on Friday, April 11, 2025, at the Hilton Anatole Dallas...

6:00pm to 10:00pm

Children's Cancer Fund 35th Annual Gala

The Children’s Cancer Fund Gala celebrates 35 years of stories of survival. The Gala will take place on Friday, April 11, 2025, at the Hilton Anatole Dallas...
Apr 17


7:30pm to 2:00pm Recurring Event

Alice: A Variation on Lewis Carroll's Alice in Won

Alice: A Variation on Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland is a new take on Carroll's classic tales crafting a story of a young girl named Alice Pleasance...

7:30pm to 9:30pm

Sammons Cabaret: WT Greer

From San Diego to the White House, Europe to Africa, and from Australia to Asia, we are lucky that for the masterful artist that is WT Greer , Dallas is home....